Thursday, March 19, 2009


Here are some discussion questions for 1984 by George Orwell:

1. This novel was written prior to most autobiographical accounts of totalitarian regimes, do you think now that we have first hand accounts that it has weakened Orwell's novel, why(not)?

2. 1984 revolves around the life of an individual that whose principal duty is to change history to match current propaganda. Why is the change of history so important? Do you think that this happens currently in free countries? How can we protect against having history changed?

3. One of Winston's early rebellions is sexual rebellion. Why do you think that Orwell placed such an emphasis on sexual rebellion? Do you think Orwell's attack on the sexual repression found in Oceania is an attack on the influence of any organization that promotes chastity or abstinence? Why(not)?

4. Oceania is constantly at war. Why do you think Orwell felt it necessary for his totalitarian society to always have an enemy?

5. Why is the government insistent that you love "Big Brother" before destroying you? What similarities do you see of this type of belief and political structure in the real world?

6. Orwell was a Democratic Socialist, and stated that he believed in socialism, yet the repressive regime is socialist. Does socialism lend itself to these abuses more than other forms of government? Can control be gained thorugh other methods than surveillance and fear?

Anyway, these questions might not be too good. It only took me five months to get around to writing them.

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